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Showing posts from March, 2014

A Complete Dress

At the left is a bag I sewed that contains a washable pad and a few other items for a teenage girl. On the right is a full view of the dress I recently completed for a young girl.

A Complete Washable Pad

Here is my first complete washable pad that has a matching drawstring bag. Within the bag is a travel-sized soap, a wash cloth, one-gallon size Ziploc freezer baggie, one pair of underwear, and two washable pads.

The First of Many

My project is in progress, I have completed the first dress. I hope my efforts inspire others to do great things. Overall making the dress was simple and I know with help we can change the lives of many young girls in Africa.

Dresses for Little Girls & Washable Pads for Teens, Period

Hello everyone, my name is Sarah, I am a Girl Scout Cadette working on my Silver Award. My project is to make little dresses for young girls in Africa, and washable pads for the teenage girls there. I am currently working with an organization called “Little Dresses for Africa”. Did you know that teenage girls in developing countries skip up to 20% of school a year? Some even stop going to school altogether. This is because they don’t have proper sanitary pads to use and must use other resources such as leaves, mud, rags, newspaper, grass, etc. In the end, the girls must choose between humiliation of managing their period with no proper resources at school or stay at home. I have chosen this project because I believe nothing should prevent anyone from getting the education they deserve.  To make this project possible there will be two workshops, where adults and girls can help make the dresses and washable pads.  I will teach basic sewing to volunteers that need training. There will