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Showing posts from June, 2014

A Day of Immense Progress: The Second Workshop

My second workshop was on Saturday May 31st, with three shifts in total. Usually the workshops are only 6 hours long, but on this occasion we had several passionate volunteers who stayed an entire hour more. The volunteers worked very hard and everyone was always engaged.  It was very exciting to see so many girls learn to sew. My cousin was among the volunteers who were sewing for the first time.  We made a lot of progress on everything. We now have 30 completed pads, thanks to Mrs. Pam who attended every shift and stayed the extra hour. It is nice to see people so willing and eager to help others, it is truly inspiring. During the workshop, the cutters in every shift have cut more fabric than was in my goal. In total of completed and cut dresses, we have 118 dresses! Although, 91 of the dresses are only cut. There are 27 dresses completely sewn. At my next work shop, on Saturday June 21st, we will be focused on sewing the cut dresses, completing pads, and cutting bags where the